i was watching lizzie maguire the other day,i don't usually watch that show but it was on and i didn't feel like getting up, and if u have a problem that i was watching that show , then deal! Yah, so anyways, i was watching it and u wouldn't believe it! They said goober! Steph, the writers sooooooooo got that from us. Anyways yah, that really grated my cheese (steph said that once, now i luv that little phrase or watever it is) so yah that really grated my cheese. hehe.
Anyways, i've decided that im against this whole santa claus deal. I mean yah the plus side is, the presents under the tree, and the little annoying children get to be all happy about some big fat jolly man is gonna leave them presents and stretch there imagination with all these elves and workshops and mrs claus and rudolph and wat not. But still it teaches young christian children that christmas isn't about giving, but getting and christmas isn;t so much about jesus, but santa claus. Also we are straight out lying to them, and even though they are stupid and there mind is as small as. . . umm sumthing really really tiny, we shouldn't lead them on about sumthing that isn't real. I mean kids pray to santa claus i mean do u want ur kid to wroship and pray to some obese man that isn't even real. And when they find out he isn't real they get really sad and loose hope in all this miracle business. I mean when i finally came to my sences and realized there's no santa i was pretty pissed off that everyone was lying to me, it kinda makes u feel stupid that u believed in it. And it makes kids greedy. All the little kids at my dance studio are like i want this for christmas i want that, and their naming all this extremely expensive stuff, the greedy brats.
Yah so if u beg to differ, please leave a comment.
Luv Em
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