So its about 130 in the morning. I'm not tired..and pretty bored. SO i just went through all my picture files (because they were taking up sooo much space) and sorted them out and such and deleted tons that didn't really matter anymore.
I feel like i don't update this at all...(even though no one comments!) And when people do have somethingn to say about anything they IM me and tell me oh haha that was funny..or that was blablabla. When you leave it in comments it's just funner for me. lol
Anyway... here are some pictures of like outside...most are from martha's vineyard. And then my backyard. Just keep in mind when i was taking these i wasn't trying to make them grade A photography...i was just like oh! pretty *snap*


i kinda like this one =)

this one also


in the car.
The houses were quite nice

this house was in my geometry text book for sophomore year!! except i wasn't able to get in the whole thing because the sidewalk wasn't far enough. And its not a good pic becuase of all the smelly construction guys.

more houses..
My backyard

out my window


i like that tree =)
(it woulda been better if the sun was out)
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