Football Game =)
Here's some pictures:

em and tyler in the cazeeebo.


me and kayles! cough KAYLEIGH

again (haha animal rights have never been hotter)

trish and colin

umm...i dunno what i was doing....maybe falling of something.

me..em's behind me....we're making an illuusssionnn

hah...colin's a goofballll

pat and his incredibly cool tuba =)

haha its racheal!!!


katie and dave lookin' cool

hehe dave =)

charlotte , tricia and katie =)

tim and I ^^

colin and mikes hand.

jen and uhh..aj!

colin with a band hat

mike, the irish dude. and alex

thumbs way up

if i must:
Half of kayleigh's face, katie on top, em below, john sorta in the backround, trish, Jeff, charlotte, andrew, and tehen chris with the video camera.

tahlor and my photogenic boyfriend =)
so yeah.... pretty fun night. umm yeah.... =)
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