Alright, its about time for an update.
well i was going to wait until em sent me the pictures from halloween to update...but that's taking too long. (btw their wicked awsome to the max)
And by EXTREMELY popular request, i decided to update to keep all of you busy for about two minutes of your pathetic lives.
haha request wasnt THAT popular either.
Tomorrow is the g-man's party! I still dont have any sort of costume..i wanna go to iparty and be a pirate. But i dunno if i'll get a ride to iparty for tomorrow...if not, i think im gonna wear tricia's plastic tiara and be like...a person with a tiara..or something.

thats the tiara thingy

em me and trish=) (bad concious, person, good concious) yeah...

those are the pictures from my cam.
but em has tons.
so yeah friday should be fun...let me know if your comming. and its like open if you havne't heard about it you should come =)
saturday im doing nothing. probly if ya wanna do something....
ok so halloween.
went with trish and em =)
haha ok so here are some hilights i geuss that are only funny if you were there.......
Trish: haha i feel really stupid i don't want my neighbors seeing me trick or treating.
Em: haha who cares
Trish: let's go to that house! they serve king size candy bars every year!
*we walk over to the house*
*i walk up..tricia sorta goes behind me*
Trish: I don't want theem to see meee
Em: why..are they your neighbors or somthing.
Trish and me: ..........................................
Trish: no...that's not my house next door or aynthing...
oh and btw we got a mini reeses peanutbutter cup from that house. king size my ass.
Trish: Cote lives there!
(17 year old boy)
Me: ohhh!!! let's go!
Em and trish:
*i walk up alone*
*middle aged man answers the door*
(keep in mind im a 16 year old kid)
Guy: ......hi.
Me: ......hi..
*guy puts candy in my bag*
*guy closes door*
yeah i looked like just about the biggest looser. trick or treating all alone in costume at 16.
alright so we get into conversation with this one guy. probly in his mid 20's?
Guy: oh look we actucally got some trick or treaters
Other guy: oh...
*hands us shit loads of candy*
Guy: we're not gonna get rid of this
Us: Thankyou!!
*i peer in*
Me: oh your watching that 70's show! i love that show
Guy: yeah...hey..uh any of you guys wanna rake my leaves..or kjnow someone who does.
Trish and Em: well our boyfriends might wanna
Me: I don't have a boyfriend.
Guy: Oh..well have them come talk to me on saturday day or something
Trish: o ok...well do you live on browning.
GUy: ........i live here.
*we all laugh etc...*
Guy: and your supposed to be the good concious!?
Trish: haha the good concious...not the SMART concious
us: .............................*akward*.......
Me: so uh yeah...since you're not getting much trick or treaters.........
*we leave with TONS of candy*
Lady: Oh look! we have some middle schoolers!!
Me: ...actually we're high schoolers.
Lady: Oh!!! highschoolers!!!
Me: ...actually...we're juniors.
Lady: Oh!!! juniors!!!
(i didn't know if that was note worthy but em and trish thought it was funny)
yeah so halloween was such a BEAUFITUL night. the temp. was perfect and it was really pretty out. clear stary sky..colorful trees....the whole shabang.
sitting in the playgroundd for an like an hour was really fun =) you guys are awwwsome.
alright...i really don't have much to say...that will be all =)
hahahahahaha!!!! that made me literally laugh out loud lol. Yeah that night was awesome! weather PERFECT too bad that random groupd of guys HAD to go through the park poo poo to them but over-all perfect night lol
mucho love
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