Retreat, yay!
this past weekend...(thursday - saturday) was the junior/senior retreat. I was expecting to go there and have a pretty mediocer time, but it ended up being really fun =) ...extremely fun.
Everyone there was saying it would be impossible to explain the uhh...intensity of it. haha..i learned that yesterday.
Nevertheless, I think everyone got a lot out of it. I see references to it in everyone's profiles and that's really cool =)
So i just wanted to thank everyone for such an amazing time =)
(if you have anything else i should write about in this entry, please do tell...becuase im drawing a blank as to what to say)
buuuut, without further adue (sp?) here are some pictures from different peoples webshots!! (I'm going to add more later)

Out on our morning "run":

the yard was huuuge

exploring the place

being rebels running up the fire escape

more outsideness:

kristina, em, and em

max and driss



kati, max, driss, andrew



catie and andrew


thaaat was an intense twister game. (im in the grew sweater)
Sneaking around after lights out!!!


pretty much the coolest game on the planet. (yes we stole if from downstairs...we're pretty much rebels)
and there's still a lot more pictures to come but i hafta do my math homework!!
AWWW!!! seeing those pics make me miss the retreat so much! it was so stress free and ah! -tear- well hopefully we get another one (rumors we do?) but if we dont there's always next year....but i don't want to wait that long lol it was such an awesome time! If we do have another retreat (same people) i realllllly want to get to know more people like have a conversation with at least every person once sorta deal but yeah...back to justice homework
mucho love
So I totally agree. Best time ever, hands down. And I hope those rumors are true *crosses fingers* and I'm bring speakers this time too :)...but yeah...deffinatly stealing some of those em :)
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