This is wat happens when one has too much time on ones hands:
Cereal and milk song
japenese ping pong Wicked funny
Forseeing the end of the world
Gollum...kinda weird
Behind the scenes
This is wat happens when one has too much time on ones hands:
Im starting to scare myself. Im starting to become obssessive again. AHHHHH. i have already gone through this phase with the SAME person. And now im going through it once again! Yah, cait and em and all the ppl i bother about it know who im talking about. lol. And if ur dying of anticipation, which u probly aren't, but thats ok cuz im gonna tell u neways :P. lol im so weird. WEll yah im starting to become obssessive with david again (from simple plan). O well, he's fucking awsome and really extremely good looking...can u blame me? Hmmm.... i wouldn't say obssessive, i've seen some pretty scary people who get marjorly obsessed with people or watever ppl get obssessive over these days. I feel like a screaming teeny bopper teenager :P....which im not! even tho i sound like one right now.
Its official. I am gonna spend my adult years decaying on the sidewalks of New York city. Let me explain. Well my biology mid term is tomorrow. I don't get anything i studied as much and hard as i could. Yet, i don't get anything..still. SO im gonna fail. Liturally, like below a 65, an F. Well we all know wat this will do to my GPA. Bring it down incredibly. W/o a descent GPA i won't get into college. SO i will have to live with my parents. ANd i will never get married, cuz no one wants to get married to a stupid person who lives with their parents. So when my parents either die, or kick me out, i will move to New York, and stand out in the cold with a paper cup, shaking it for ppl to drop some change. Unfortunately, everyone these days are too selfish to stop for 10 seconds to drop some loose change into a paper cup so i will make no money. SO i will have to find a card board box, sit in there with my pet rock, or rat, or concrete, whichever one i find first, and slowly decay. And then when i start to smell really bad the custodian facilities will come and sweep me up and throw me into a dumpster. WEll, atleast i have my life planned out. Chelsea said that she will decay with me since she's gonna fail too. :)
Remember Pogs? Oh, those were the days. If u don't remember pogs, then die. They were the man back in the day (about when I was 5). If u don't, let me explain. They were the little flat, round pieces of cardboard. They came in all different varieties:Different colors, different pictures, I even had one with a picture of a finger with a face. U used to stack. And then flip a plastic pog and watever pogs u knocked down u got to keep. (even if there someone elses, cuz u'd stack everyones pogs) U could even trade them! If u still don't remember u gotta think for a minute, cuz they definately were the cool thing in preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade, and maybe even second and third. ANd if you STILL don't remember, get out of my face. Anyways, me and steph were just talking about them so i thought i'd write about them and remind everyone of the forsaken pogs. :( Let us see some wise words from steph: (im gemini, yousassyfox is steph)
*sigh* i was just reading most of my blog. I realized how dumb and stupid i am. lol or atleast my first entries were stupid. O well, wat can i say? im a pretty dumb person. BUt its all good. Maybe, just maybe one day, i will be smart and cool....or not.
once upon a time, me and em v were talking about how guys are starting to wear powder blue and all these bright colors:
Mid terms were today....yea i had religion and lit. Studied about 6 hours in total for religion
My life sucks
Today i went to see big fish (its a movie). hmmmm how do i explain it. It was the weirdest thing i have ever seen in my life, the easiest way to explain it is weird and or strange.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound