I filled this thing up with waaayyy too many pictures.
so i'd make a writing entry...except i have nothing to write. in which case..I'm going to go to myspace and grab a survey.
H a v e y o u e v e r. . .
01. Fallen for your best friend? no
02. Made out with JUST a friend? i GUESS you could say that...
03. Been rejected? umm...not that i can think of...but that's just becuase i haven't had too many crushes nor am i evern courageous enough to be straightforward with people.
04. Been in true love? hmm...no..probably just more like teenage love. that sorta thing.
05. Been in lust? haha yeah.
06. Used someone? well...like once in a while i'll talk to someone more for a certain thing..but in the end im still friends with them in all. The last time i did that though was like..a year ago though.
07. Been used? not to my knowlage...but probably.
08. Cheated on someone?: nope
10. Been kissed? well..yeah
11. Done something you regret? yes
W h o w a s t h e l a s t p e r s o n . . .
12. You touched? um. one of my nda friends...i can't rmember which one i hugged last.
13. You talked to? im talking to chelsea online right now.
14. You hugged? refer to number 12.
15. You instant messaged? well chelsea IMed me..the last persno I IMed..was amy..to see if she could give me a ride somewhere.
16. You called? my mom..so she could come pick me up in a deserted parking lot in the middle of frigin nooowhere...it was a tad scary =(
17. You yelled at? umm...probly my mom since i dont' relaly yell at anyone else.18. You laughed at? chelsea...what a LOSER.
19. You had a crush on? umm.......dot dot dot.......well...eh..it's stupid. lol.
20. broke your heart? haha...as if its not obvious? (well...i guess unless i don't relaly know you..)
D o Y o u?
22. Color your hair? no..i kinda want to though..my mom is sort of geting in the way of that though.
24. Piercings? my ears. i WOULD like to get a nose stud. liek a jewel. another thing my mom is sort of getting in the way of.
26. Floss daily? umm...does anyone...well...besides emily veloso.
27. Own a web cam? no
.28. Ever get off the damn computer? when I'm out..or downstairs...i usually watch tv or listen to music in my room though when im home...so just stay online.
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? no I don't think so
30. Habla espanol? poco
G e n e r a l Q u e s t i o n s
40. Considered a life of crime? Actually i have. to tell ya the truth.
41. Considered being a hooker? ew. no.
42. Considered being a pimp? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...no.
43. Are you psycho? only deep down and when im hyper.
45. Schizophrenic? no
46. Obsessive? about?
47. Obsessive compulsive? not about organization..but about a lot of other things.
48. Panic? no
49. Anxiety? somteimtes
50. Depressed? not usually...only when its umm *cough* THAT time of the month.
51. Suicidal? no
52. Obsessed with Hate? umm...no.
53. Dream of mutilated bodies? uimm...weird question...
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? wait....what?
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? fiji?
56. What would you be doing? fighting crime.
58. What are you listening to? the sweet sound of clashing pans and silverwair.
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? well...i do ballet. do what you want with that information.
60. Chicken or fish? chicken..by far.
61. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? it used to be panda...but now im willing to accept any and ALL animals =) !!! except bugs...and ugly things
.C u r r e n t l y :
62. Current Clothes: flannel pants and bigass sweatshirt
63. Current Mood: happy...because talking to chelsea is cheering me up from my bored mood.
64. Current Taste: the taste of nothing-ness....just like my soul.
65. Current Hair: fro-ish.
66. Current Annoyance: my legs a bit itchy...other than that..nada.
67. Current Smell: dont' smell anything.
68. Current thing I ought to be doing: helping out with thanksgiving and setting up and stuff.
69. Current Desktop Picture:It's a road surrouded by trees on each side. and it's fall so their orange..and the leaves are filling the street..and theres a brown beat up pickett fence on the right. and at the end of the road....i like that picture.
70. Current Favorite Group: group? as in music? umm sublime, killers, keane, radiohead, streetlight manifesto..umm yeah i can't choose a favorite..i have favorites i didn't mention.
71. Current Book: about that....
72. Current DVD In Player: probly a ballet.
73. Current Refreshment: i was drinking coke a half hour ago..?
74. Current Worry: homeowkr/projects
F a v o r i t e s :
76. Food: chinese/mexian
77. Drink: coca cola
78. Color: green
79. Shoes: hmm
80. Jelewry: i don't have a favorite
.81. Animal: umm...i kinda like birds..elephants are pretty cool too.
82. Song: umm..there's a lot.
83. Dance: Ballet...and just random crazy dancing.
84. Person: your mom
F u t u r e:
85. What do you want to be when you get older? i don't know =/
86: Married? yes yes yes87: Kids?: yeah88: Living Where? i wouldn't MIND living in MA...but i dont know where else i'd want to live anyways
.T h i s o r T h a t :
89: Gay or straight?: straight.
90: Boxers or Briefs: boxers
91: Reading or Writing: ..i dont know.
92: Basketball or Baseball: neither
93: Walking or Running?: walking
95: Left or Right?: right
96: TV Shows or Movies?: movies
97: Britney or Christina? christina
98: Rap or Rock? Rock
99: Day or Night? I love them both for different reasons.